Yard waste collection extended
Yard waste pickup returned to a weekly collection schedule for all City of Minneapolis Solid Waste & Recycling customers October 3, and the yard waste …
Yard waste pickup returned to a weekly collection schedule for all City of Minneapolis Solid Waste & Recycling customers October 3, and the yard waste …
It has been almost one year since Minneapolis residents voted to change the City’s government structure. The ballot question passed was: Shall the …
Folks, your vote really does count! And you don’t have to wait for the General Election on November 8; you can vote in person at the Early Voting Center, 980 …
This is the sixth in a series of articles about the 2022 midterm election, brought to you by the League of Women Voters Minneapolis We’re often encouraged to …
As planning and environmental work continues on the METRO Blue Line Extension Project, you may notice project staff in your neighborhood performing initial …
The City of Minneapolis has established a new process to manage and prioritize requests for traffic calming measures on neighborhood streets; a system designed …
As the spooky season creeps upon us, it’s clear that Halloween will look quite different from the past couple of years as we start to creep back to normal …
This article was written by Mary Klauk Fitness is what is happening in North Minneapolis! Valerie Fleurantin of VF Solutions is the driving force behind adding …
On August 2, National Night Out, North Market and Camdentown celebrated by dedicating a new mural for the Market’s fifth anniversary. The idea for the Market …
On average, the prices we pay in stores and online increase year after year. Inflation is the term economists use when the prices of all consumer categories …