Archive by category Neighborhoods

Shingle Creek

Neighbors making decision for the Neighborhood SCNA Neighborhood and Board Meeting Second Tuesday, July 11 at 6:30-8 p.m.   In Person and Zoom …

Lind Bohanon

Lind Bohanon Neighborhood Association (LBNA) Email: Website: Phone number …


We recently hosted our 1st Annual Neighborhood Kickball Day at Folwell parkwhere local youth and adults teamed up for a friendly game of kickball. We …


Victory Neighborhood Updates We no longer have a Victory Association Office and with that we had to change our phone number. Our new number is 612-293-7020. …

Lind Bohanon

Lind Bohanon Neighborhood Association (LBNA) FaceBook: Lind-Bohanon …


Upcoming Events FNA Community Night: Tuesday, June 6, 6:30 p.m. at 3701 Fremont Ave           Two presentations …


Dare we say April snow has brought May flowers? Our Neighborhood Youth Council (NYC) continues to be active not only in the neighborhood but also in the …


Welcome to Spring! We’re looking forward to warmer temps With all the snow we’ve had and warming temperatures, there is an increased chance of …

Shingle Creek

Neighbors making decisions for the Neighborhood Looking for New Board Members SCNA is always looking for new board members who represent different aspects of …