Behind the Victory Flagpole – Little Jenny Lind
Reading and writing and ‘rithmetic, Taught to the tune of a hickory stick… That’s the vision I get when I think of a little school called Jenny …
Articles pertaining to historical information to the Camden neighborhoods.
Reading and writing and ‘rithmetic, Taught to the tune of a hickory stick… That’s the vision I get when I think of a little school called Jenny …
Good news! I recently read in the Camden News that Ryan Lake has its own little park. Well, it’s about time! Not that it has gone unnoticed all these …
Mother loved to travel. I don’t mean short trips down the Drive to Blomquist’s Market. I mean far away. It was always her, my sister Lorraine and …
I don’t know how many of my faithful readers to this column remember the article written in March of 2014 called “The Recycler.” It was all …
How many people remember that Patrick Henry High School’s annual, which comes out every year at graduation time, is named “The …
Mom and Pop, please don’t let your children read this or they will think it grossly uncool! It involves the way kids used to play and their amusements …
Not too long ago I wrote a story about how to build your own log cabin. Now that they have all been finished, how did you furnish them? Did you go to the …
Did you ever wonder how the pioneers built their homes and how you’d like to do the same thing as they did? Well, here is how they did it. First …
How exciting it must have been to have a new school and to know that you must gather up some talented sporty guys to fill the teams! This is what happened at …
Everyone knows where St. Anthony is, but not everyone knows what went on there, especially at St. Anthony Falls. Old time pioneer, John H. Stevens, however, …