Curious about the COVID vaccine?
This article was written by Marky Wagner The State of Minnesota began to roll out its COVID-19 vaccination plan in December. The goal for the first, limited …
This article was written by Marky Wagner The State of Minnesota began to roll out its COVID-19 vaccination plan in December. The goal for the first, limited …
Folks are now enjoying the rapid bus transit on Penn Avenue since the introduction to the Rapid C Line on June 8. Now Metro Transit is planning …
This article was written by Carolyn Bastick The Street Eats food truck, a part of the Summer Food Service Program operated by Minneapolis Public …
Folks have been asking – what’s up with the redevelopment at 4140-4146 Fremont? Why is there still a for sale sign up? The Camden News reported on …
The City’s 17-member Collaborative Planning Committee started work in late June advising the Upper Harbor redevelopment project team on the …
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) is evaluating programming at North Minneapolis parks and recreation centers. If you use any parks on …
The section of trail that runs below Camden Bridge, connecting St. Anthony Parkway Regional Trail and Mississippi Riverfront Regional Trail, is …
A new oral history project examines the Northside community through first-hand accounts of longtime residents. Specifically focused on the area …
Nearly 30 farmers markets and mini markets are operating in Minneapolis this year with food that traveled an average distance of only 39 miles from the …
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) approved the concept plan for Folwell Park’s new play area during their June 26 meeting. …