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$23 per column inch up to 6 col. in.
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$17 per column inch – 45.1 to 67.5 col. in.
Display ad extras:
Priority placement — $10
Color rates — $70 per color
$100 full four-color plate
Circulation: 12,000 Mailed to 10,000 homes in Camden
Published the last Friday of each month
$50 per 1,000 (2,000 min.)
Deliver to Northstar Media in Cambridge on your own
Deadline for Submissions and Advertising
10 days before publication
Camden Community News
Email is best: ccn@tds.net
Deadlines 2025
Issue | Pub. Date | Deadline |
January | Dec. 27 | Dec. 17 |
February | Jan. 31 | Jan. 21 |
March | Feb. 28 | Feb. 18 |
April | Mar. 28 | Mar. 18 |
May | Apr. 25 | Apr. 15 |
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August | July 25 | July 15 |
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October | Sept. 26 | Sept. 16 |
November | Oct. 31 | Oct. 21 |
December | Nov. 28 | Nov. 18 |
January ‘26 | Dec. 26 | Dec. 16 |
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Camden News,
PO Box 11492
Minneapolis, MN 55411
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