Free tax preparation for qualified residents

With income tax filing season upon us, the Minnesota Department of Revenue says free tax preparation assistance is open to help some folks filing state and federal income tax returns. These sites are staffed by certified volunteers and offer in-person and virtual options with most open through April 15.
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) and AARP Tax-Aide programs are two free tax preparation options where volunteers help Minnesotans prepare their federal and state returns. The Internal Revenue Service certifies volunteers from both programs to prepare basic tax returns.
Last year, the VITA and AARP TCE programs prepared almost 56,000 federal tax returns, more than 56,000 Minnesota income tax returns, and nearly 41,000 property tax refund returns for taxpayers. All those returns provided over $113 million in federal, state income and property tax refunds.
You can get help at a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) site if any of the following apply: You are age 60 or older; you are a person with a disability; you speak limited or no English; or your annual income is less than $67,000.
The AARP Tax-Aide program offers free tax preparation for all Minnesotans, particularly those age 50 or older. Unlike VITA sites, AARP Tax-Aide sites do not have income restrictions.
The Revenue Department encourages taxpayers to make appointments soon since space fills up quickly as the tax filing deadline nears.
Northside tax sites:
North Regional Library, 1315 Lowry Ave. N. AARP Tax Aide site dates open now thru April 15. Hours: Saturday: 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Appointment required, call 612-348-3375.
Twin Cities Urban League, 2100 Plymouth Ave N. VITA site dates open now thru April 15. Hours: Tuesday, 5:30-9 p.m.; Thursday, 5:30-9 p.m.; and Saturday: 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Appointment required, call 651-287-0187. Dates and times subject to change. Go to for current info.
Sumner Library: 611 Van White Memorial Blvd. AARP Tax Aide site dates open until April 9. Hours: Wednesday: 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Appointment required, call 612-348-3374.
You can search for other sites near you at You can find sites by calling 651-297-3724 or 1-800-657-3989.
Taxpayers should bring a picture ID and other personal information along with any records showing income you received, tax-deductible expenses, and property tax or rental payments you made. Visit for general info and a list of suggested items to bring to a tax preparation site.