Winter can be brutal—freezing temperatures, heavy snow and icy roads. Last year’s mild winter spared us, but it seems we’re back to classic Minnesota winters. For those frigid, snowy days, here are a few tips to stay warm and prepared:
Keep your thermostat at 68° F or lower. Set your thermostat to at least 68° F during cold weather. Replace the batteries to ensure it stays on, even when you’re away. This also helps prevent frozen pipes, which can occur when temperatures dip below 32° F.
Seal gaps in your windows. Drafty windows making your home colder? Inspect for cracks or gaps, and consider weatherproofing. Affordable window insulation kits or weather-stripping can help. Adding plastic window covers creates an extra barrier to lock in warmth and keep out cold air.
Stay indoors when necessary. When temperatures plummet, staying inside is the safest option. Exposure to extreme cold can lead to frostbite, illness or getting stranded in dangerous conditions. Avoid unnecessary risks and stay cozy indoors during severe weather.
Find more info at extension.umn.edu/home-maintenance-and-safety/keep-your-home-warm-and-safe-winter.