
Welcome to our new 2024 Board of Directors!

Rachel Bundy – Chair

Marissa Galan – Vice-Chair

Patrick Whelan – Treasurer

Heather Hart – Secretary

Brent Nelson – Member at large

Diwin O’neal Daley – Member at large

Upcoming Events

Winter Decorating Contest 

Join our winter home decorating contest! Go to contest for more information! You can decorate or judge your neighbors! Win prizes too!

Victory Neighborhood Community Garden Committee

ViNA is looking for 3-6 volunteers to help craft a 5-year plan for the ViNA Community Garden from January to June! Volunteers should expect to spend 3-5 hours/month on activities such as a 1 hour monthly meeting, gathering feedback, summarizing results, researching costs, and drafting the plan. If are interested, please contact Jason at or 612-600-3156.