Holiday safety and crime prevention tips

  • At home
    • Make sure all doors and windows have secondary locks (window pins, deadbolts, dowels, etc.) and use them!
    • Don’t hide spare keys in mailboxes or planters, or under doormats.
    • Ensure that dark areas and entrances have outdoor lights that are turned on after dark or are activated by sensors.
    • Keep trees and shrubbery trimmed so they do not conceal doors and windows. Remember, overgrown foliage can provide a hiding place for criminals.
    • Place gifts where they can’t be seen from the outside. 
    • Be sure to mail cards, checks or gift certificates from the Post Office or at a blue U.S. Postal Service collection box.
    • Lock your vehicle and remove all the valuables. Yes, even in your driveway.
  • Strangers at your door
    • Use caution anytime there is a stranger at your door. 
    • Be suspicious of unexpected sales calls or deliveries. Ask for identification.
    • Be aware of scams that criminals commit to take advantage of people’s generosity during the holidays. 
    • Investigate charities before making donations. Ask how the funds will be used.  
  • Leaving for the holidays
    • Ask a trusted friend or neighbor to watch your home.
    • Use timers for lights while you’re away.
    • Remember to make arrangements for mail and newspapers. 
  • After the holidays
    • Don’t advertise expensive toys, electronics or other gifts received by the boxes left for garbage collections. Compress large boxes and place them in black garbage bags for pick-up. 
    • Add new items to your home inventory. Take photos or video of all items of value in your home and list each item’s make, model, serial number and other information. 
    • Engrave new items to help identify them in the event they are stolen. 

Avoid porch theft: Five tips to protect your packages

*Network with neighbors.

*Have packages delivered to work.

*Leave specific drop-off instructions.

*Use a Smart Lock.

*Install security cameras.

Tips to avoid package theft

*Get a P.O. box at your local Post Office.

*Use lockers

*Set Up Notifications to Track Your Packages

*Install a security camera.

*Get your packages delivered to your office.

*Require a signature on delivery.

*Reschedule delivery or ask for a package hold when on vacation.

*Try Smart Locks.

*Get a package guard.

*Insure your packages.

*Ask your neighbors to grab your packages.

Six ways to Grinch-proof your holiday light displays

*Shut down at night.

*Set up surveillance.

*Crime-proof your yard.

*Consider bringing in valuable items at night.

*Stay connected.

*Report, report, report.

What to do if you’ve become a victim of a porch pirate

*Check with your delivery company to make sure your package was actually delivered.

*Know exactly what’s in the missing box.

*If you see the thief, pay attention to what his or her vehicle looks like and its license plate number. Second to that, get the thief’s physical description – gender, approximate height and weight and what they’re wearing – so you can tell an officer.

*Call 911 and ask for an officer to come to your home.

*If you have a security camera on your home, get a copy of the video to police. Ask your neighbors if their cameras captured the thief in action.