Discover summer fun at Kroening Nature Center

This article was written by Mikayla Deiter

It’s summer in the city. Life is vibrating with activity, and at Carl W. Kroening Nature Center the Green Darner dragonfly is hunting in the prairie after spending the last couple of weeks under the protection of the river’s surface. Baltimore oriels, American robins, and gray catbirds frequent bird baths daily to cool off from the heat. Wildflowers are slowly changing their shapes, bloom times, and colors; each week that passes a new colorful blanket along the trail emerges. Our naturalists and environmental education interns have been working hard at getting folks outside to explore the bountiful and diverse natural world within the city. We invite you to bring the entire family to our trails; there is still plenty of time to take in what summer has to offer here at the nature center. Below are some programs we are especially excited to share with our visitors.  

Music & Movies in the Park: Movies in the Parks program travels throughout the Minneapolis Park system. As part of our Canines for Clean Water Campaign, we will show the 2018 film Isle of Dogs on August 11 at 8 p.m., which follows a group of outcasted dogs and their journey to find acceptance among a community. Bring your four-legged friends and stop by one of our community partners tables to learn what you can do to promote Canines for Clean Water. Free, PG-13 movies start 15 mins after sunset. 

Dragonfly Snag and Spy Now Activity #127038. Witness one of the most colorful predators in the United States. With rotating wings and a body like a helicopter, dragonflies are lethal to the insect world. Spend time with a naturalist and learn about conservation, identification, and create dragonfly inspired artwork! Free, all ages, Aug. 13, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. 

Fishing Friendly Waters Activity #137025 Make your home and waterways healthier. Learn how common household cleaners can change water quality and fish health. Have the opportunity to make your own environmentally spray cleaner to take home. Then go fishing along the Mississippi River. Gear and bait will be provided, but participants are welcome to bring their own gear. Free, all ages, Aug. 14, 1-3:30 p.m. 

Carl W. Kroening Nature Center is located at North Mississippi Regional Park off of I94 W. A part of the Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board, they operate year-round and continually offer programming to all ages, groups, and abilities. Because we believe we can learn and live in nature with everyone. MPRB acknowledges the Dakota and Ojibwa tribes’ land on which we reside.