A reduced speed limit of 20 miles per hour (mph) has taken effect on Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) parkways, as City of Minneapolis Public Works crews started replacing speed limit signs January 10.
In November, the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) of Commissioners passed Resolution 2021-314, which amends Chapter 9, Section 52 of the MPRB Code of Ordinances to lower the speed limit on parkways to 20 mph. The reduced speed limit on parkways matches the speed limit for local streets in Minneapolis, which was changed to 20 mph in 2020.
Over the coming months, the MPRB and the City of Minneapolis Public Works Department, which manages signage along the parkway system, will change existing signage from 25 mph to 20 mph. Parkway speed limit signage adjustments will continue in the spring as frequency of signage is reviewed in more detail. Drivers should follow the posted speed limit on parkways while signs are updated.