
Mission: We aim to promote, facilitate and foster meaningful opportunities for residents and businesses of the neighborhood.

Volunteer Opportunities

Our Events Committee is seeking volunteers to assist with the upcoming neighborhood events. This is a great way to get involved, engage with other residents and have fun. The events committee meets the third Tuesday of the month. Please reach out to the office if you are interested in getting involved.

Livability Committee is also seeking volunteers. This committee meets on the third Wednesday of the month. Livability committee addresses livability issues through policy change and building community by helping neighborhood blocks and residents become more connected. Please reach out to the office to get involved.

Business Committee is also seeking new members. The business committee works to uplift, support and provide opportunities for our local small businesses, both storefront and homebased. If you are interested in getting involved, please reach out the office. If you would like to have your business included in our business directory, please contact the office.

Anti-Racism Initiative

The Victory Neighborhood Anti-Racism Discussion Group builds off our Anti-Racism discussion series and meets on the first Thursday of each month 7-8 p.m. This is a brave space for neighbors to connect and learn from each other while discussing a variety of topics centering around Anti-Racism, inclusion and diversity. If you are interested in joining, please reach out to the ViNA office for more information! 

Upcoming Event

Saturday, 10/16 – Victory Neighborhood Community Food Garden Fall Harvest Celebration, 10 a.m.-noon. Come celebrate the fall harvest at 4701 Vincent Ave N. A great opportunity to learn about future community food garden plans, how to get involved, and even help with some projects if you want. Learn more at

ViNA Committee Schedule. All committees meet in the evenings using an online platform.

  • Community Food Garden meets every Thursday of the month
  • Environmental Committee meets 1st Tuesday of the month
  • Anti-Racism Discussion meets 1st Thursday of the month
  • Events Committee meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month
  • Livability Committee meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month
  • Business committee meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month

For a list of our programs, resources and services or to see our calendar for upcoming meetings and neighborhood events, please find us at

ViNA board and neighborhood meetings are held the fourth Wednesday of each month.