Reimaging public safety

This article was submitted by the League of Women Voters of Minneapolis

After a nine-month initiative to define and document reform issues related to public safety, the League of Women Voters Minneapolis (LWVMpls) has published results of its study, Reimagining Public Safety. The report is available on the League’s website at

The objectives of the LWVMpls Reimagining Public Safety committee that produced the report were to summarize and present these complex issues in a non-partisan manner and accessible format to help voters make informed decisions; and update the League’s positions on public safety with the goal of informing voters on these important issues.

“The development and publication of this study on our website aligns perfectly with our mission to educate the community so they can make informed choices when they vote,” said Colleen Moriarty, LWVMpls board president. “Public safety will be a critical consideration in the election this fall, and voters are looking for a balanced understanding of the issues.” 

Study Approach

Susan Gray, co-chair of the Reimagining Public Safety committee, said, “There is deep expertise in public safety and there have been rigorous, data-driven studies on this topic, both locally and nationally. There are also pilots, reforms, and legislation happening in multiple organizations and agencies. The League studied this work, engaged with experts, and summarized the history, context, and insight into reform activity needed and currently underway. Our study also provides an overview of the roles and players in the public safety landscape and shows the public how to engage.”

In addition to the study available on the LWVMpls website, there is also a robust list of references related to the study in the Resources section of the Reimagining Public Safety web pages.

Learn about the following parts of the study at

Context & Background: Work to reimagine public safety was heightened by the murder of George Floyd. But it did not begin with Floyd’s death, and it does not end with Chauvin’s conviction.

Who Impacts Public Safety: It’s not just the police – many organizations have a role in reimagining and delivering better public safety outcomes.

Efforts to Reimagine Public Safety: Learn about the widespread initiatives deployed, underway and still needed to address our public safety issues.

Citizen Action & Candidate Issues: Learn what you can do to get involved and what to ask your candidates about public safety.