The Capri’s Northside Cellphone Filmmakers Course starts soon Now is the time to tell your stories

The Capri’s Northside Cellphone Filmmakerscourseis free and open to 50 people (age 18+) who have stories to tell and want to tell them well –  using cellphone cameras. Participants will work with three renowned, local Black filmmakers and storytellers: E.G. Bailey, D.A. Bullock and Sha Cage. Classes start April 7, and registration is on now at 


The first part of the spring session will be offered online Wednesday mornings beginning

April 7 through early May (Experimental Shorts with Sha Cage); early Thursday evenings beginning April 22 and 29 and resuming again for the month of June (Personal Mini-Documentaries with E.G. Bailey); and Saturday mornings in June through the beginning of July (Social Justice Documentaries with D.A. Bullock). “Our goal is to make filmmaking as accessible as possible so people can tell stories from their own lives,” said E.G. Bailey. 


The remainder of the coursework will be offered in the spring and summer, and schedules will be based on participants’ preferences. Spring sessions will be held mostly online, with some optional in-person ‘meet and greets.’ Some in-person sessions are planned for the summer as well and as possible.

“I’m excited to demystify film with honest sharing, experimentation, and collaboration – many areas our community doesn’t always have the luxury to indulge in,” added Sha Cage.

To register, and for info on Northside Cellphone Filmmakers and the teaching artists, visit The course is booking up quickly so register soon. Questions may be directed to project leaders through the online registration form at

This projectis funded in part through a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.