
ViNA Updated Vision and Mission Approved 1/27/2021

Vision (what): Foster a vibrant and strong community for all residents and businesses.

Mission (why): We aim to promote, facilitate and foster meaningful opportunities for residents and businesses of the neighborhood.

Guiding Principles (how): •Increase and promote inclusion and equity of those traditionally underrepresented in Victory; rental and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous People of Color) residents. •Seamless and intentional integration of cultural education into all events, activities and programming.

ViNA is seeking volunteers to join our committees. Please reach out to our office if you are interested in joining. All committees meet in the evenings using an online platform.

  • Environmental Committee meets 1st Tuesday of the month
  • Events Committee meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month
  • Livability Committee meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month
  • Business committee meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month

ViNA board of directors has reinvested in our successful Youth Corp program which employs our community youth with paid employment while providing outdoor seasonal services to our eligible residents. We are looking for youth to become part of our Youth Corp program.

Thank you to all the Victory residents and neighborhood businesses that participated in our Black History Book Drive event. The wonderful donations of books have been distributed to our neighborhood Little Libraries for all to enjoy. We also want to thank you all who participated in our Black History Children’s Storytelling Event, held February 27.

For a list of our programs and services or to see our calendar for upcoming meetings and neighborhood events, please find us at    

Please contact us at  or call us at 612-529-9558

Board and neighborhood meetings are held the 4th Wednesday of each month