Hennepin County residents who have been financially harmed by COVID-19 may qualify for emergency assistance to help with rent and other housing costs.
Even though there is a temporary hold on evictions as part of Governor Walz’s executive order, rent and other housing costs are still due. Your landlord may be able to evict you for not paying rent once restrictions are lifted. Hennepin County may be able to help you cover current and past due rent and other housing costs, including utility bills.
You are strongly encouraged to apply as soon as possible to help make sure you get help in time.
You may qualify for money to help cover your housing costs if you: Live in Hennepin County; have current household income at or below 300% of the Federal Poverty Guideline (about $65,160 for a family of three); lost income due to COVID-19; have past due housing costs or can’t afford your housing costs this month; or are not currently receiving Section 8 or other rental assistance.
If you are having trouble paying for housing and other expenses but do not meet the above criteria, you may still qualify for help through Hennepin County’s Emergency Assistance and Emergency General Assistance programs.
What can funding be used for? Rent payments; utility payments; mortgage payments for the home you live in. For more info and to apply go to hennepin.us/housing-help.
Also note: Hennepin County has cloth masks available for organizations to distribute at no cost to people in the community and their employees. Visit https://hennepinco.az1.qualtrics.com/.