37th Annual Minneapolis National Night Out rescheduled to Tuesday, September 15

National Night Out (NNO) is an annual nationwide event that encourages residents to get out in the community, hold block parties and get to know their neighbors as a way to encourage crime prevention. It involves all segments of the community in building a healthier, safer community. And it’s a great way to promote community-police partnerships and enjoy a late summer evening surrounded by friends and family. For info see the Minneapolis NNO mission statement – and all things NNO – at minneapolismn.gov/nno.

NNO has been held on the first Tuesday in August for 36 years, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic this year it’s been rescheduled in Minneapolis to Tuesday, September 15.

As with many past National Night Outs, Minneapolis was ranked #1 among all U.S. cities with a population over 250,000 in 2019. Over 1,500 events were registered in 2019. Was yours one of them? Save the date for this year: NNO is September 15. If you’re involved in your block club contact your block club leader for updated info. Not sure if your block has a club? Contact your neighborhood organization in the neighborhood section or visit minneapolismn.gov/nno.