
Victory is a neighborhood building community through inclusion, fairness and wellness, achieved through communication, outreach and engagement.

A Message from Our Board

The Victory Neighborhood Association is horrified and devastated by the murder of George Floyd, yet another Black man, at the hands of law enforcement. The traumatic impact of this event on the Black community brings to the forefront, once again, the need to end racism and profiling in all its forms. ViNA stands in solidarity with those who demand change and justice for George Floyd.

Neighborhoods 2020 and Neighborhood Associations Funding:

Changes to neighborhood association funding are being proposed. Your voice is needed.The draft plan to restructure neighborhood program guidelines and funding has extended its public comment period until July 15, 2020. We encourage residents to share their voice with the City of Minneapolis regarding the draft proposals and the impact neighborhood funding has on the community. With the new proposals, services ViNA has provided the neighborhood in the past may change. For more information please visit  To provide comment, please email or call 612-673-3737.

Upcoming Events:

ViNA’s Annual Garage Sale has been postponed until the fall due to the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing orders.

Annual Ice Cream Social has also been postponed due to the COVID-19 and our commitment to a safe and healthy community.

Census 2020:

The Census 2020 is underway, and we encourage each household to complete the Census. Ensuring that each person is counted in the Census is important to our community as the results of the census determine how much federal funding flows directly into each state and each community.

To stay up to date, please find us at                          

Please contact us at  or 612-529-9558