Note from Camden Community News

As the Camden Community News goes to print and you are reading this we need to make a few notes here in regards to the Corona virus and info in this issue.

The Camden News is a monthly community newspaper – we’ve been serving the Camden Community since 1976. Few of us folks in the community have seen a pandemic like the COVID-19 (Corona) virus and its consequences like this in our lifetimes. News is changing from day to day, and literally hour to hour. There’s no way we can give you updated news in this issue of Camden News.

So considering this, please note that some articles and many calendar items is this issue will be outdated by the time you read this. If you’re interested in an event or what the latest info is contact the organization for complete updates.

This is a serious time with serious measures but there are five simple steps every day: Hands–wash them often; Elbow – cough into it; Face – don’t touch it; Feet – stay more than six feet apart from others; and Feel sick? – stay home.

In the meantime continue to do as our government health agencies say, visit the following for legitimate info: and

Stay safe!

The Camden Community News Board of Directors and Staff