Our Camden Crime Prevention Specialist Bill Magnuson has tips in this issue on avoiding scams during this health crisis – but here are a few more from the Better Business Bureau
Better Business Bureau of Minnesota and North Dakota (BBB) warns consumers to be on high alert during the rapidly changing COVID-19 pandemic, echoing Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison’s public remarks on March 13. As with any crisis, scam artists look for ways to take advantage of individuals. Consumers can turn to organizations like BBB and the MN State Attorney General’s office for reliable information, resources and tips.
As the spread of the disease evolves, the public is encouraged to visit BBB’s unique Scam Tracker collecting consumer reports on illegal schemes or fraud. Recent submissions include scam websites claiming to sell face masks online and scammers offering fake cures or phony prevention measures. Scammers impersonating government entities like the Centers for Disease Control and World Health Organization have also been reported.
Ellison said his office has received quite a few calls about deceptive solicitations for donations for victims, bogus COVID-19 vaccines and price gouging on essential items like food and health care products.
How to spot a COVID-19 scam whether online, at a store or at your door:
• Do your research: Compelled to contribute to a charity? Read info at bbb.org/scamtracker.
• Compare pricing: Anyone who suspects price gouging during a declared state of emergency should report it to BBB by filing a complaint to BBB Ad Truth and report to MN Attorney General, ag.state.mn.us.
• Be wary of “miracle” product claims: Be suspicious of products that claim to immediately cure a wide range of diseases. No one product could be effective against a long, varied list of conditions or diseases. Also, testimonials are easy to make up and are not a substitute for scientific evidence.
• Check with your doctor: If you’re tempted to buy an unproven product or one with questionable claims, check with your doctor or other health care professional first.
If you’ve spotted a scam (whether or not you’ve lost money), report it to bbb.org/ScamTracker and to the MN Attorney general at ag.mn.us.Your report can help others avoid falling victim to scams.