Fourth Ward Report

Council Member Barbara A. Johnson
Phone: 612-673-2204
Web Page:
Contact Form:

Fall street sweeping
Watch your neighborhood for fall street sweeping. The schedule for the fall comprehensive street sweep and leaf collection start dates will be posted on the city’s website at Streets will be posted for sweeping and enforcement on October 19 (watch for no parking signs). It typically takes four weeks to complete. Be sure to check the website for the updated schedule, more detailed information and the street lookup tool.
Public Works Projects in the 4th Ward
This year we have seen Public Works improvement projects all over the 4th Ward – the most I have ever seen in my 18 years on the City Council! We have had paving, water utilities, re-surfacing and alley work. Some of the projects are still in progress. Thank you to all of the city staff who worked on these improvements for your great work and for keeping everyone safe while the work was being completed.
Help shape our City – Apply for openings on Minneapolis Boards and Commissions
Applications are now being accepted for a number of open boards and commissions positions that the City Council and mayor will appoint this fall. Board and commission members in the City of Minneapolis provide valuable insights, help shape key policy decisions and provide community-based input into administration of services. The City is seeking applicants with a diversity of backgrounds and experiences to strengthen the work of the City. Applications will be reviewed beginning October 23, however, the positions are open until filled. Visit the City’s website for a list of appointment opportunities, position descriptions and applications.

Public hearings on the City’s 2016 budget
The City Council is now in the process of considering Mayor Betsy Hodges’ 2016 recommended budget. The final approval of the 2016 budget is scheduled for Wednesday, December 9, 2015. Two public comment hearings give you an opportunity to tell council members what you think about the budget. The public hearings will be held in Room 317at City Hall, 350 South 5th Street, on November 18 at 6:05 p.m. and December 9 at 6:05 p.m. Presentations are being made to the City Council’s Ways and Means/Budget committee. You can watch committee hearings on Minneapolis 79 or online at
4th Ward E-Newsletter
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