Locked Up, Locked Out

This article was written by Mike Hallenbeck


Locked Up, Locked Out explores how the criminal justice system violates our values around housing, employment and care. Together we’re building a society to ensure everyone — including people with criminal records— can freely access housing, jobs and care in order to thrive. Join us and discover how we can TakeAction together on Saturday, October 5, from 2-5 p.m. at Restoration Counseling & Community Services, LLC (RCCS), 3805 Washington Ave N. A light lunch will be provided.

At TakeAction Minnesota, we’re imagining a future where everyone can live joyful, dignified lives. No exceptions.

If you’re interested in learning more about the impact of incarceration and our criminal justice system in general on mental health, employment, housing and voting rights attend this event hosted by TakeAction MN.

For info contact Nelsie Yang at nelsie@takeactionminnesota.org or 763-291-3738; or visit takeactionminnesota.org/event/justice-4-all-locked-up-locked-out/ or facebook.com/events/663554147481511/.