
  Folwell Neighborhood Association

Do you represent a Northside business or organization?

Register for a table at Folwell Resource Fair and Ice Cream Social!

The FNA’s largest event of the year focuses on providing access to resources for community members. We will prioritize space for Northside business, but welcome everyone who provides services or opportunities that could benefit Folwell’s residents.

The Annual Folwell Resource Fair and Ice Cream Social will be on Thursday, June 20, 2019 from 5-8 p.m. More than a thousand residents show up to the park to hang out, play games, enjoy music and eat together.

This event is free to participate in. If you are interested in having a table, please visit to get more information and fill out the registration form. For questions, contact Dani at





Board Meeting

Monday, May 6

6:30-8 p.m.

Folwell Park, 1615 Dowling Ave


Board members meet on the first Monday of every month to discuss and vote on the business for the FNA. The meeting is open to the public. To learn more about the FNA and previous meetings, check out the website at  If you have questions or want to get on the agenda, contact us at

Neighborhood Night

Monday, May 20

5:30-8:30 p.m.

Folwell Park, 1615 Dowling Ave

Every month community members meet to share a meal and learn about all that is going on in Folwell. Dinner starts at 5:30 p.m. with discussion and programing starts at 6 p.m., but feel free to join at any time. Questions? Contact

Check the FNA calendar for other upcoming meetings and happenings in Folwell

as well as more details about the events listed above.


Find us online: •

Contact us: • 612-643-1686


~ Together We Are Stronger ~