Fourth Ward Report

Council Member Barbara A. Johnson
Phone: 612-673-2204
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Crime and Safety Update

Crime and safety issues affect everyone in the community. We often times do not see all of the efforts of our law enforcement agencies who are working around the clock to respond to as well as to prevent crime. This can include plain clothes officers working undercover and special surveillance teams in addition to uniformed officers we see on the streets. There are various ongoing initiatives we think are important to share with the community.

Overall aggravated assaults are up 7.04 percent (YTD) which includes a 12.74 percent increase in domestic aggravated assaults. Gang activity is an additional concern. What is being done? Multi-jurisdictional approaches to curb violent crime and respond to the concerns of our community include focus zones where saturation is taking place. Street Sergeants, Directed Patrol Sergeants, Neighborhood Directed Patrol Sergeants and Community Response Team Sergeants are coordinating the allocation of officer resources in these areas to address gun violence hotspots.

  • JET TEAMS (Joint Enforcement Teams) The MPD is teaming up with public safety partners to specifically target gun violence. Three MPD officers, a Metro Transit Officer, a Hennepin County Sheriff Deputy, a MN State Trooper plus an additional probation officer patrol the Northside on Friday and Saturday nights.
  • GIT (Gang Interdiction Team) Five officers and one sergeant are tasked with disrupting and diffusing gang violence. They’ve recovered guns, followed up with shooting victims, responded to more than 200 calls and have gathered important intel into gangs.
  • NIBIN/Shot Spotter (National Integrated Ballistic Information Network) We have changed our response to Shot Spotter activations to now include follow-up visits from officers even when no one is hit by gun fire. They have been door knocking affected neighborhoods in an effort to solicit information about who may be involved in the gun violence as well as to establish positive connections within communities hardest hit by gun violence.
  • Safe Streets has remained focused on gang activity in the 4th Footbeats are also up 66 percent in the 4th Precinct and officers are focused on having an increase in positive contacts with residents to build public trust and encourage more proactive public cooperation with the MPD.

The Minneapolis Police Department will continue to be aggressive and relentless as they search for the people who are hurting and killing our neighbors, affecting the quality of life and safety for everyone. Our law enforcement partners will continue to put every available resource out on the streets in an effort to avert future acts of violence. The community is encouraged to continue to be diligent in reporting and calling 911 whenever suspicious or criminal activity is witnessed. Calls and reports from the community aid our officers in being the eyes and ears on the street to help law enforcement work better. It is a joint effort on behalf of our community, law enforcement officials, and our community leaders to improve the safety for everyone – this work cannot be done without your help and we thank you for your continued partnership and commitment to the Northside.

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