Fourth Ward Report

Council Member Phillipe Cunningham
Phone: 673-2204
Web page:
Contact Form: 4/contact-ward4

The Ward 4 office rolled out the first layer of ongoing community engagement this month. A week and a half ahead of schedule! A campaign promise fulfilled!

If you have questions or just want hang out with me for a bit, I have open community office hours opportunities twice per month for anyone to be able to sign up and talk to me directly.

Once a month, I host Coffee with Councilman Cunningham. The event will typically feature an Oprah-style interview (sorry! no promises on cars though!) based on topics important to Ward 4 residents followed by a panel discussion involving City staff. This will be a prime opportunity for you to learn more about how the City works for and serves you. Knowledge is power!

Despite the snowstorm, we had a GREAT turn out for our first Coffee with CM Cunningham “City Hall: 101” with very special guest Minneapolis City Clerk, Casey Carl, who discussed the inner workings of City Hall and the local legislative process. We introduced the Ward 4 staff and a 311 agent gave an overview of what happens behind-the-scenes when you call (and why that data matters for better City services!).

About 70 community members came together this month for our first Camden Quarterly Town Hall for a community visioning session. Ward 4 residents had lively conversations and took part in activities to drive what my work and priorities should be over the next four years as our Council Member.

To increase accountability and transparency in local governing, I will hosting the next Camden Quarterly Town Hall in June to provide updates on the work that was tasked to me at the community visioning session.

Join us at our future events! Community engagement is the foundation to our collective success in the 4th Ward!


Tuesdays: Open Community Office Hours from 4-7pm at Corner Coffee Camden (4155 Thomas Ave N)

Thursdays: Open Community Office Hours from 12-3pm at Serendripity Spot (3300 Lyndale Ave N)

March 3rd: Coffee with CM Cunningham from 11-1pm at North Market (4414 Humboldt Ave N)

Our guest is Robin Hutchenson, Director of Public Works. City staff will discuss the 20 year roads and parks plan, the City’s Complete Streets policy, and Vision Zero, the City’s plan to eliminate traffic related deaths by 2027.