Fourth Ward Report

Dear Neighbors,

I want to say thank you for allowing me the honor to represent you for 20 years. Together, we have been through a lot – both trials and triumphs and we have accomplished so much for our community. Through the ups and downs, one thing that has always been a constant is that Northsiders have a way of coming together to support one another. Whether it is by helping each other with household chores, sharing a meal, volunteering, or simply looking out for one another, our care for each other and our sense of community is unparalleled. I am thankful to have worked alongside you all to bring positive changes to North Minneapolis. We have welcomed new investments in the form of businesses, community spaces, homes, schools and other amenities that enrich our neighborhoods and our lives. We could not have done it without our partnerships and our commitment to improving our community. At the end of the day, we are stronger and better together. I thank you again for the opportunity to be your representative. I love North Minneapolis and it has been a great joy to serve.


Barbara Johnson