Start the Music: Brass Bop!


Spend a delight-full hour at the Capri when The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra presents Start the Music: Brass Bop! for children and families at 10 a.m. Saturday, October 28. The event is free but reserve tickets in advance to guarantee admission; or 612-643-2058. Walk-ups are welcome based on space availability. The Capri is located at 2027 West Broadway.

Start the Music! is a musical experience geared for children ages 3-6 and their families, caregivers, relatives and friends. All are welcome to join us for crafts, games and activities, followed by an ensemble of SPCO brass players who will perform an energetic accompaniment to a classic children’s story in a 30-minute concert.

This is the perfect way to introduce young listeners to classical music. Parents, grandparents, neighbors and friends are encouraged to bring little ones to see and learn about music in this smart, fun and totally engaging way. It will be a magical morning at the Capri! Info: