4140-4146 Fremont Project update – City staff recommends Ideal Development Group

City staff have completed their review of redevelopment proposals for the 4146 Fremont Ave. N project.

City staff plans to recommend that exclusive development rights for the project be awarded to Ideal Development Group. The staff also plans to recommend that JB Vang Partners be approved as an alternative developer if Ideal Development Group is unable to meet certain “Predevelopment Milestones” within six months following the City Council’s decision.

The staff recommendation will be considered at the City Council’s Community Development & Regulatory Services Committee meeting on Tuesday, June 6, at 1:30 p.m. at 350 South 5th St, Room 317. Pending Committee action the item will then be voted on at the full City Council meeting on Friday, June 16, at 9:30 a.m. (same location). The Council meetings are open to the public. A detailed staff report related to the recommendation will be available on the City’s website, ci.minneapolis.mn.us/meetings/cdrs/, on or around June 2.

The staff decision was based on the extent to which the proposals met the evaluation criteria, including specific development objectives, listed in the November 2016 RFP. Staff also considered public feedback received throughout the RFP process, including feedback received at an April 12 open house held at the Webber Community Center.

Project Background: In November 2016, the City of Minneapolis, through its department of Community Planning and Economic Development (CPED), issued a request for redevelopment proposals (RFP) for two adjacent buildings located at 4140 – 4146 Fremont Ave N in the Webber-Camden neighborhood. The City received seven proposals prior to the February 10, 2017 submission deadline. One proposal team withdrew its submission, and City staff removed two proposals from further consideration based on the evaluation criteria listed in the RFP. The four remaining proposals presented their projects at an open house on April 12 at the Webber Community Center.

Find more info on the City’s website, including a summary of each proposal received. Questions? Contact Casey Dzieweczynski at Casey.dzieweczynski@minneapolismn.gov or 612-673-5070.