
The Cleveland Neighborhood Association has been very busy! Since last month we have had CNA’s  Annual Party, a food dehydrating class instructed by Jim Lovestar, and our Crime and Safety Committee had an Auto Theft Prevention class hosted by Crime Prevention Specialist Tim Hammett.

At our Annual Party we started the night with six open board seats, and ended the night with one. Peony Hildreth was re-elected; all three women — Jalonda Combs, Brenda Hasan and Elaine Roberts-Addy — on the ballot were elected; and Danecha Dyer-Goins nominated herself! We are excited and hopeful that we will move forward into 2017 with a powerful and versatile new board with fresh ideas and skills.

CNA wants to thank Caroline Field for all she has contributed to CNA’s Board of Directors and also like to congratulate her for passing the bar and getting a new job as a public defender north of the Twin Cities. You will be missed!

We still have one vacant board seat left, so if you would like to join the board, feel free to shoot us an email.


Keep your eyes peeled for Hennepin County’s RFP for the northeast corner of Lowry and Penn Aves. N. Developers should have their bids in by the end of January. By March we will be reaching out to the community to listen in on the developers’ ideas. This way you will have a say in what you would envision for that corner.

Keep in mind that Cleveland Neighborhood will be hosting the Northside Housing Fair in March 2017!  If you would like any more information on tabling or volunteering at this event please contact us!

Upcoming meetings:

Crime and Safety Committee Meeting, December 6

Events Committee Meeting, December 8

Community Development Meeting, December, 13


Cleveland Neighborhood Association

3333Penn Ave N

Minneapolis, MN 55411

612-588-1155 /