On October 19 Patrick Henry will induct the following alumni into the Hall of Fame at the all-school luncheon. This year’s inductees include Ed Subject, Martha Gorzycki, Jaette Fedor Carpenter and Jerry Stacy.
Ed Subject – class of 1962. Ed’s activities at Henry included track, baseball, football, hockey, Hi-Y, marching band, student council, and attained All-City honors in football and baseball. After high school Ed attended Mankato State and served in the U.S. Army for two years. Ed was very active in youth sports as a coach and board member. Ed was in law enforcement for 42 years, and during that time received many local and national honors. One of those honors was being named VFW Police Officer of the Year for the State of Minnesota. He spent his entire adult life dedicated to public service, leadership and mentoring others. He currently lives in Robbinsdale.
Martha Gorzycki – class of 1980. Martha’s activities at Henry included volleyball, basketball, badminton, speech team, NHS and class play. She received the Athena Award given to the Outstanding Girl Athlete at Henry. After graduation Martha attended Yale University earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in art. She then moved to San Francisco to work with independent film makers. Martha was an animator and director of photography for animated feature films. Her creative works explore cultural mythologies and social issues through animation. In her media art career, spanning three decades, she has produced and/or contributed to 11 film and media projects. Martha actively mentors local youth, creates animation programs, serves on film panels and presents work at academic conferences. Currently Martha is a tenured professor and the animation program Director in the School of Cinema at San Francisco State University in California.
Jaette Fedor Carpenter – class of 1973. Jaette’s activities included choir, tennis, pep clubs, NHS, school newspaper and yearbook. After graduating from Henry she attended North Hennepin Community College where she earned her Associates in the Arts. She continued her education at Augsburg College where she graduated with a Bachelors of Arts degree in Music Education. Jaette taught music at Henry and other Minneapolis schools. She has had extended music pedagogy studies in Europe, Hawaii, through MacPhail, St. Katherine’s, and the University of Minnesota. She is the co-founder of Hopewell Cooperative-North, a non-profit music school in North Minneapolis that offers music lessons largely to economically disadvantaged students. Jaette is the music director at North Methodist church which includes, choir director, piano, guitar and vocal instruction. She is a familiar face in the Northside community and still living in North Minneapolis where she grew up.
Jerry Stacy – class of 1958. Jerry’s activities included band, Hi-Y and the senior class play. After high school he graduated from Macalester College with a Bachelor of Arts degree and attended Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. After two years at the seminary he took a leave of absence to join the Peace Corps. In 1966 he returned to the seminary and earned a Master of Divinity degree and was ordained. From 1968-1978 he worked at First Presbyterian Church in Gary, Indiana where he developed models for ministry to the Hispanic community. This lead to a 20+ year involvement with the Presbyterian Church USA and the National Presbyterian Church of Mexico to develop a strategy for mission along 2000 miles of common borders. Now in retirement Jerry continues with church-related work and helping returning Vets work through PTSD issues. He has done community work in the San Antonio area for Habitat for Humanity, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and hurricane damage along the Gulf Coast. Jerry currently lives in the San Antonio, Texas area.