Written by Amy Divine
Pet Project Rescue, a nonprofit organization, has partnered with Camden Pet Hospital to form a volunteer surgical team named #TeamTeo. This initiative aims to address pet overpopulation by sterilizing stray community cats in the Twin Cities. The team is excited to announce its first fundraiser to support this important mission. To fund “Neuter your ex” you can donate to our TNR campaign, and we’ll name a cat after your ex before we sterilize them. Here is the link to our ongoing fundraiser: fundrazr.com/62VeSb.
Our first surgery was on February 14. The #TeamTeo launch was a success, with a strong turnout of nine community cats (four females and five males) for the TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) clinic. The event was driven by a dedicated group committed to improving the lives of community cats. The ultimate goal is to make these TNR clinics a monthly occurrence. Thanks to all who were involved!