Written by Dave Berger
The Camden Patriots Foundation would like to announce the induction of the latest members of the Patriots Hall of Fame for Camden High School:
Ronald Anderson, Class of 1982
Steven A. Anderson, Class of 1972
Gail Barnard Boyum, Class of 1963
Kyle Cassidy, Class of 1980
Robert Theodore Holt, Class of 1946
Leslee Lane Hoyum, Class of 1967
Each of these alumni have outstanding characteristics that embody the long-honored tradition and spirit of our Hall of Fame, Go Patriots!
To honor these new inductees, the Camden Patriots Foundation will be holding our 2024 Patriots Hall of Fame Awards Luncheon from noon to 2 p.m. on Friday, December 13 at Camden High School at 4320 Newton Avenue North. If you would like to attend this luncheon you may purchase tickets for $20 per person by mail or $25 per person online. See details on the Camden Patriots Foundation website: camdenpatriotsfoundation.org. Or contact Dave Berger President, Camden Patriots Foundation President at 612-332-9872 or DaveBerger2004@yahoo.com.