Folks, we have a major election coming up on Tuesday, November 5 where you may vote for U.S. President, U.S. Senator, U.S. Representative, judges, state rep and local school board candidates. There’s also a state constitutional amendment “Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund Renewal,” and a Minneapolis School District amendment “Revoking Existing Technology Capital Project Levy Authorization; Approving New Authorization” on the ballot this year.
It’s a good idea to view your sample ballot before you vote so you can be prepared. We’ve made it simple by including the sample ballot in this issue of the Camden Community News or view your ballot at sos.state.mn.us or mnvotes.gov/myballot.
Residents of Minnesota for 20 days who are at least 18 years old and have U.S. citizenship are able to vote now until 8 p.m. on November 5. Minnesotans who are living in their communities and are not currently incarcerated for a felony conviction are eligible to vote. In addition, 16-and-17-year-olds can pre-register so that they will be automatically registered on their 18th birthday.
You can learn about the candidates and issues on your ballot at vote411.org. Another “one-stop-shop” for nonpartisan election information is mnvotes.gov, where you can register to vote, request an absentee ballot, and locate your polling place. Make your voice heard by voting this election!
Any Minneapolis voter may choose to vote before Election Day. There are multiple early voting options available. Early voting locations:
Elections & Voter Services Early Vote Center, at 980 E. Hennepin Ave. (Minneapolis residents only). Services include early in-person voting, ballot drop-off (until 8 p.m. on Election Day), voter registration, language support, and voting accommodations (ballot marking device, curbside voting).
You can also vote early downtown at Hennepin County Elections, Hennepin County Government Center, Skyway Level, 300 6th St. S. Or vote early at the North Early Vote Center, Urban League Twin Cities 2100 Plymouth Ave N. Voting hours vary so before you go check vote.minneapolismn.gov/voters/vote-early-in-person/.
Vote on election day, Tuesday, November 5, from 7 a.m.-8 p.m. Before you go to vote you need to find your polling place – go to pollfinder.sos.mn.gov.
Unsure if you are registered at your current address? You can use the online lookup tool to check your registration. You can also register to vote in-person when you vote early or vote on Election Day. You will need to show proof of residence. Certain types of ID can be your proof of residence, but there are other options that don’t require an ID. Be sure to read all your options and come prepared.
You don’t need an ID if you are already registered to vote with your current name and address.
And did you know? Under Minnesota law you have a right to take time off work to vote without losing your pay, personal leave or vacation time.
The Minneapolis Elections & Voter Services Division is responsible for administering elections in the City of Minneapolis. For info about registering and voting in Minneapolis, go to vote.minneapolismn.gov.