The City of Minneapolis is preparing a federal grant application to study the possibility of building a roadway separation, such as overpasses or underpasses, at the Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC) railroad crossings at Humboldt Avenue North, 45th Avenue North, and Lyndale Avenue North. These grade separations could eliminate the need for vehicles and trains to cross paths directly, improving safety and traffic flow in the area.
This project will evaluate the current roadway crossings at Lyndale, 45th and Humboldt. A federal grant application is underway to potentially secure funding for developing concepts related to separated crossings in this area. TKDA is the company doing the data collection for the project.
Lyndale Avenue N Crossing: Lyndale Avenue N is a major thoroughfare that includes commercial, residential, and industrial land uses. This crossing currently has the highest amount of traffic in the project study area.
Humboldt Avenue N Crossing: Humboldt Avenue N connects to the Minneapolis Fire Station 20 on the north side of the railroad and both residential and commercial land uses along the south. Due to the fire station location, this crossing is an important connector for emergency management.
45th Avenue N Crossing: 45th Avenue N links residents from the north to Webber Park and Victory Memorial Drive, on the south side of the railroad tracks. Shingle Creek runs along the north side of the railroad and under 45th Avenue N. This crossing has the lowest traffic volume.
Project Goals include: Safety Improvement: Enhance safety by reducing vehicle-train conflicts; Community Connectivity: Enhance connectivity within the community; and Traffic Flow: Improve traffic flow and reduce delays.
Project Timeline:
August 2024: Prepare the Railroad Crossing Elimination (RCE) Federal Grant application. And evaluate if there is community support for the project.
September 2024: Submit the federal grant application.
Spring 2025: Grant applicants will find out if they were successful. If the application is successful, engineering concepts will be developed, and the community will have the opportunity to provide input.
The Camden Community is a diverse and vibrant community with a mix of residential, commercial and industrial areas. The neighborhood is characterized by a blend of single-family homes, apartment complexes, parks, schools, and businesses. The rail crossings affect everyone in the community.
There is an interactive website to provide project information and gather your valued feedback. Tour the project and take the survey at https://bit.ly/ConnectingCamden. Scroll down or click on the tabs to learn about the project and provide feedback. If you need assistance using this resource or have questions about the project, contact Allan Klugman at Allan.Klugman@minneapolismn.gov or 612-673-2743.