Officer Brandon Bartholomew Henry High School Graduate of 1999 is honored

“The staff here at the 4th Precinct would like to recognize Officer Brandon Bartholomew for his more than 20 years of continued excellence in police work that he demonstrates daily here in the 4th Precinct. Officer Bartholomew grew up in North Minneapolis and attended Henry High School (now Camden High School) and is very involved in this community. Officer Bartholomew and his K-9 partner Dino currently handles the most 911 calls for services in the 4th Precinct, more than any other Minneapolis Police Officer in the department and has taken the initiative to work on specific crime problems here in the 4th precinct.

Recently he is working with other 4th Precinct staff, community groups, addiction counselors, housing managers, property owners, business owners, and residents to tackle the fentanyl addiction crisis that has plagued the 36th/Penn Avenue North corridor. There is much work that still needs to be done in the area, but Officer Bartholomew continues the push to make the area a better place to live for the residents.  Officer Bartholomew even hands out little stuffed animal K-9 dogs and stickers to the little kids around in the community to comfort those that might be weary or upset over a situation.”                       

Note:  Officer Bartholomew was recognized with this honor on July 11, 2024, by 4th Precinct’s Inspector Charles Adams at a community gathering of MPD’s MSTAT. MSTAT is a weekly event open to the public wherein reports are given by Inspectors of the five precincts and by Commanders. Crime statistics are shared and analyzed by the Investigative Divisions and positive community outcomes are presented.

Susan Curnow Breedlove, Camden High community liaison, has contributed this article. She was one of Brandon’s teachers at Henry and just happened to be at the MSTAT meeting when he was so honored.