National Night Out is a time for City residents to come together and celebrate with neighbors. Many blocks in Minneapolis take this opportunity to reconnect, eat and build relationships while kids play and bike freely on a closed street. Our goal this year is to increase participation.
You still have a few days to register your bock party. Register your event by July 30. Registration is now open, and it’s free. Sign up early. Registration closes July 30, five days before the event.
Some points to consider: Register only one event per block, so confirm with your neighbors who will be registering. Consider whether you want your street blocked off to traffic. Ask neighbors for help organizing your event. Call 311 to request a fire truck, MPD K9, and/or MPD Mounted Patrol.
If you’re too late to have your own party find info on other block parties at minneapolismn.gov/government/programs-initiatives/nno/ or contact your neighborhood – see pages 8 and 9 for info.