Featuring Summer Camp Capri’s Into the Woods JR
Written by Mike Mullen
Summer’s end is a good time for resetting, relaxing and making some plans. Soon enough, vacation days will slip back into school, moving onto college campuses, and a renewed sense of purpose. This month, let the Capri help you sort out your social and entertainment schedule for the months to come.
Tickets for the 15th season of Legends @ the Capri, both season tickets and individual events, are on sale now.
The 2024-25 season starts with jazz virtuosos Omar Abdurakim and Solomon Parham performing “Miles to Go in Old Orleans,” a tribute to Miles Davis and Louis Armstrong, on September 14-15. Night two of this year’s lineup is CoMingL — singers William Wesley, Kelz and Gregory Washington — joined by a seven-piece backing band for “Legends Rewind” on November 14-15.
See the full lineup of Legends @ the Capri at thecapri.org. Season passes to all five concerts are $100 (save $25) or $200 for “Star Season Passes” that include a $100 contribution to Capri arts programs including the Capri Youth Apprentices. Order online at thecapri.org, or contact Jordan Flaherty at 612-643-2040, 763-260-4415 or jflaherty@pcyc-mpls.org.
Registration is open for the fall session of the Capri Glee! Adult Community Choir online at thecapri.org. Director J.D. Steele leads rehearsals on Tuesdays from 7 to 8:30 p.m., October 8 through November 5, with the fall concert at 7 p.m., Tuesday, November 12. Participation is free to everyone, age 18+.
The Paradise @ the Capri is a Ward 5 polling place for the City of Minneapolis. Vote in the State Primary on Tuesday, August 13 and the General Election on Tuesday, November 5. Find your polling place and more voting info at vote.minneapolismn.gov; hours 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
The Capri is a sponsoring partner of the Open Streets Minneapolis celebration on West Broadway Avenue, featuring 17 car-free, people-full blocks of street vendors and entertainment. Begins at 11 a.m. on September 21, free entry to all. Contact the West Broadway Business and Area Coalition for vendor applications and more info, westbroadway.org/oswb.
At 5 p.m. on August 7 and 8, Summer Camp Capri middle school scholars will perform “Into the Woods JR,” following more than a month of learning and rehearsals. Directed by Dennis Spears and Nubia Monks, free tickets will go fast; registration for tickets required at thecapri.org.
In entertainment of a different tone, the first of this season’s First Thursday Films @ the Capri is POWER, a vivid investigation of policing in America, on September 5 at 7 p.m. Entrance is free for Northside residents, and all others can find them for sale for $5 at mspfilm.org. The full 2024/25 season program will be announced soon at thecapri.org.
This month also sees the announcement of Capri partner The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra’s return for the 2024-25 season of its “Northside Series.” The world-renowned ensemble kicks off this series of three concerts on November 8, with the performance of pieces by Jerod Tate, Jean Françaix and Beethoven. Tickets free for Northsiders (reservations are required at thespco.org – enter your Northside zipcode as the promo code) and children; $15 for non-Northside adults. More info at thespco.org.
The Capri is located at 2027 W. Broadway. For details and ticket info visit thecapri.org.