Shingle Creek

Neighbors making decisions for the Neighborhood

  • Looking for New Board Members

SCNA is always looking for new board members who represent different aspects of the neighborhood to work with us to advocate for our neighbors. Board members work with a variety of partners in planning events that benefit Shingle Creek residents including road construction, park activities, safety concerns, cultural events, and much more. You can be as active as your schedule allows. If you are interested, please consider reaching out.

  • SCNA Neighborhood and Board Meeting, Tuesday, July 9 at 6:30-8 p.m. 

(This will be in place of our regularly scheduled meeting) 

In Person and Zoom Meeting – Contact for link

This month we invite residents to attend and vote at our SCNA Neighborhood Meeting where we will be discussing local topics and ideas to help us better help the community. For full details see our website or Facebook page.

  • SCNA Create a Community Meeting July 17 at 6-7:30 p.m.

In Person and Zoom Meeting – Contact for link

  Join us in July where Shingle Creek residents are meeting, and getting to meet each other, to learn about topics, discuss them, grow and stay connected! We will be planning upcoming community events. The meetings will be held in person at Creekview Recreation Center

  • Tour de Camden, July 20

Shingle Creek Neighborhood Association is partnering with the Victory and Webber-Camden Neighborhoods to bring back a favorite annual tradition. Tour de Camden started over 16 years ago as a way for residents and visitors to roll through some of the Camden Community neighborhoods of North Minneapolis, and stroll past several community assets to learn about them from the seat of a bike. Start at Creekview Recreation Center and roll into Webber Park for a community picnic with food provided by Webber-Camden Neighborhood. More information can be found on our website and Facebook page. All are welcome!

  • Neighborhood Collaboration

How can we, as neighbors, improve North Minneapolis? What would a combined neighborhood look like with Webber-Camden, Victory and Shingle Creek? If you would like to learn more, join us at our next board meeting and participate in the ongoing discussion of merging or joint collaboration.

If you have an idea for an event or would like to participate, reach out to us with your ideas.

Mission Statement:  To be a voice of the community, to advocate and promote the Shingle Creek neighborhood, to improve neighborhood livability and economic opportunities, to involve and empower residents and to promote the safety and health of our community and its residents.

Check out our website:

Follow us on FaceBook:  Shingle Creek Neighborhood Association (

We are on Instagram and Next Door

Shingle Creek Neighborhood Association

2233 49th Ave N Suite 150, Minneapolis, MN 55430

Phone: 612-524-9632



*All meetings are open to the public *All residents are encouraged to attend.

All reasonable special requests and accommodation (interpreter, ASL, etc.) will be provided, please contact SCNA staff seven days prior to the meeting.