
Upcoming Events:

FNA Community Night- Tuesday July 2, 6:30 p.m. at 3701 Fremont Ave

Mid-year check in with the board! We will be wrapping up the first part of the year and finalizing plans for the second half! If you are new to the neighborhood, or haven’t been around in a while we would love to connect! Refreshments served.

Folwell Garden Tour- July 20, 1-4 p.m.

Will you show us your garden? We want to tour some of the awesome yards here in the neighborhood! Find the link to sign up, or just join the tour, at

Ongoing Events:

Introducing… The DREAM spot at The DREAM shop

A program for youth aged 13-19, Thursday-Saturday from 3-8 p.m. Activities, self-discovery and life skills. Find more information at or

Save the date:

Free Neighborhood Pickleball at Folwell Park- Monday evenings in August.

We will provide equipment and an instructor. Come learn!

Ice Cream Social and Resource Fair- August 21, 6-8 p.m. at Folwell Park

Ice cream, food, family fun, community resources and a backpack giveaway! If you have a community resource and would like to do outreach at this event email

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3701 Fremont