Have a safe Memorial weekend holiday

The focus for the month of May 2024 is Memorial Day Safety. Let us honor the memories of those who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving our Nation, but still be aware of our surroundings. As we gather with friends and family to celebrate the beginning of summer and honor our fallen veterans, here are some tips to help avoid being a victim.

Gatherings. If you attend or host a BBQ, secure your home. If you leave your home, remember the importance of locking all doors and securing windows. Do not be complacent in thinking that your home is safe and do nothing to prevent break-ins or burglars.

– Never leave valuables unattended. Do not leave valuables or purchases unattended or loose. It is easy to lose track of items left alone and that is when criminals will simply walk by and take them.

Park in clearly visible areas. Criminals target parked vehicles hoping they may obtain valuable items. Ensure you do not leave items in plain view, such as wallets, purses and removable entertainment devices (iPods, stereos, etc.).

Secure your vehicle. When your vehicle is unattended, even if parked at home, be sure to lock all doors to prevent unauthorized access or theft.

Observe alcohol consumption. As many will consume/toast alcohol in honor of the fallen, do so in a wise manner. If you find yourself in a situation that tempts you to do drink, be accountable to yourself or a trusting friend. If you are underage, do not consume alcohol at all.

Lookout for drunk drivers. Lastly, a top crime during Memorial Day is driving under the influence. People who choose to drink and drive become dangerous operating vehicles and it is critical to watch for them. For your safety and others, do the right thing and call 911 to report erratic driving.

 Remember, during Memorial Day, and everyday life, it is important to remain vigilant, be aware of your surroundings, and use caution.