Registration is now open for all Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) summer youth activities! Go to the MPRB Online Registration Page to browse activities, or call or visit your local recreation center to talk to staff about upcoming activities at your local park. For info visit anc.apm.activecommunities.com/mplsparkandrec/activity/search.
There are nearly 1,500 activities to choose from this summer. Below is a list of all activity categories. View all the specific programs at the website above or visit minnepolisparks.org. You can also use the “where” filter to sort for parks near you.
So much to choose from: Arts and Music, Cooking and Nutrition, Early Childhood, Health and Fitness, Hobbies, Clubs and Games, Language and Culture, Mentoring and Development, Nature and Environment, Preschool Enrollment, Special Events, Sports, Technology and Science, Trips and Tours, and Water Recreation.
Find something that works for your family by using filters at the website to sort for location, age and activity category, or search for a specific activity by typing a keyword into the search box.