The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) is moving forward for a potential new bridge and gathering spaces for people walking, running, biking or rolling over the Mississippi River between North and Northeast Minneapolis.
The MPRB held an open house on March 21 to preview initial concepts for the new bridge and park spaces. MPRB had developed a set of concepts for the bridge crossing and the two park spaces on each side of the river.
The design team is now looking for feedback on the bridge’s appearance and concepts for a new 1.9-acre park site along Marshall Street NE. Take the online survey atsurveymonkey.com/r/MississippiBridgeConcept.
The survey closes April 8. After that, the design team will summarize responses and use the feedback to create a preferred bridge design and concept for the park spaces. This preferred concept will be created over the next few months, then presented to the public and MPRB Commissioners later in 2024.
View the project at minneapolisparks.org/park-care-improvements/park-projects/current_projects/feasibility-study-and-concept-planning-for-non-vehicular-bridge-over-the-mississippi-river/.