The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) is preparing for construction of a recently planned improvement project at Folwell park. The project’s main feature is the first phase of an all-wheel park/skatepark, along with path and site improvements, and a community gathering area.
Preparations include: Saving and relocating 12 trees that would otherwise be removed; work began March 21 and may be completed now. MPRB asks all park visitors to stay away from the relocated trees to help them grow into their new places. Preparations also include removing the playground next to the wading pool, planned to occur in April. Note: the swings near the wading pool will remain.
About the current and recent park improvements
Folwell Park and Recreation Center has benefited from a number of improvements, thanks to funding from the 20-Year Neighborhood Park Plan.
Planned improvements thru 2024
• All-wheel park, with features like a clamshell pocket, rolled volcano hip, mini ramp and snake run. This new park will welcome all skill levels and all types of wheeled fun: bikes, skateboards, scooters, skates, wheelchairs, etc.
• Park amenities including benches, picnic tables, grill, safety lighting and path improvements.
• Native and naturalized plantings to manage stormwater in the park and are required, due to added hardscape for the all-wheel park. These will also look great and help create a robust environment for people, plants and wildlife.
Improvements since 2017 include: Playground south of recreation center replaced; tennis courts renovated; lighting added for west athletic field; updates and replacements to the recreation center kitchens, craft rooms, restrooms, roof; accessibility improvements for the parking lot, sidewalk leading to the recreation center, and center entry; and path connecting the courts and playground.
Review the newest concept plan and see images and details on these and future improvements — visit minneapolisparks.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Draft-Phase-II-Folwell-Preferred-Concept.