Henry High School will now be officially called Camden High School beginning April 1, 2024.
Registration for incoming 9th graders to Camden High will be held on Thursday, April 18 from 5:30-7:30 p.m.
The Henry High robotics team named Herobotics recently traveled to the Great Northern Regional Robotics Competition in Grand Forks, North Dakota. This was the first team trip experience for all the students of the current Herobotics group. Reflections of the experience will be shared in next month’s Camden Community News issue.
Mina Duden, a junior at Henry, earned the very special honor of being selected as a Semi-Finalist for the FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Dean’s List Award, an honor bestowed on only two individuals of the 56 competing groups. She will advance to a national event in Houston where she will join students from other national and international competitions during which an international finalist award is given.
Much of the success of the Herobotics group has to do with the consistent involvement of current parents, parents of alumni, Henry alumni, Henry staff, and friends of the team. Thank you to the mentors of this school year: Lead Mentor Carly Robinson, Jack Skogen (15 year Herobotics volunteer), Britta Pearson, Elle Caldow, Bella Luna, Bobby Luna and Eli Fleischman.
Senior Henry High student Shamyra Melton received a grant from Black Lives Matter at School to fulfill her vision of celebrating Black History Month by having fellow students explore different authors and genres in Black literature. A reception was held in the Media Center hosted by Henry’s Student Library Advisory Board and advisor Ms. Lohse, wherein student participants won free books. Check out the story on the Facebook page of Henry High/Camden High.