Tou Pao Lee and his wife Ka settled in North Minneapolis following their journey from Laos and through other states of the U.S. They have five children that attended and graduated from Henry High School, daughter Joua (Class of 2007), son Hnia (Class of 2008), daughter Gau (Class of 2009), son Kou (2010), and son Kong (2013). When Joua graduated at the top of her class as valedictorian, I suggested that our neighbors and friends recognize and honor the family at our monthly meeting of residents and organizations at the Hawthorne Community gathering (called the Hawthorne Huddle). Following the accolades by some members of the audience of over 50 people, Tou Pao addressed the group. I hereto paraphrase his words, part of his speech, using my memory and the memories of others who were in attendance. He said to the group:
“Many people at my job speak of investing in 401ks. I tell them that I have chosen to invest in my children, in their getting the best education and in their careers. I invest my time, my energy, and my money in them. Later my children will take care of me.”
Mr. Tou Pao Lee (Tub Pov Lis) passed away March 8, 2024. In his older years, he was known by his npe laus elder name Blia Cha Lee / Npliaj Tsab Lis. His caring children are lovingly planning services for his funeral with the input of their Hmong elders.