A local hero

Camden Pet Hospital’s Dr. Lapham, Dr. Anna Ruelle with James Yarber and his dog Billy, along with Dr. Melcher and Office Manager Madeline. Photo by Ryan Tibbitts from the MVMA.

A touching story from our friends at Camden Pet Hospital perfectly showcases why the Minnesota Veterinary Medical Association (MVMA) created the Animal Hall of Fame.

Occasionally, someone comes into your life and completely changes it. In James Yarber’s case, that someone is a three-legged chihuahua named Billy. James has come a long way. He is doing well now, but in the past, it was different. He lived a rough life in Chicago where he struggled with mental health and substance abuse issues. Later, James moved to Minneapolis to have a fresh start. Everything was going well until his wife died, then his world fell apart.

His relationship with his dog Billy began while James was in the process of recovery.

Billy too had a rough life before they met – their meeting was a recognition of similar past paths and potential. On a particularly hard day, when James was struggling with staying sober and feeling down, Billy knew he was hurting and came to help. He jumped up in James’ lap and stared into his eyes. James knew he was not alone. He found refuge in the loving eyes of Billy and a purpose. Taking care of Billy helped James take care of himself. This, for James, was all he needed to continue going and growing.

Billy and James’ relationship is one of the best examples of the quiet heroism that many companion animals exhibit on a daily basis.       The kind of steady, unwavering love that says, ‘you are not alone.’ A simple heroism of presence and recognition. It is now that these kind of quiet heroes, the kind who add to the little goodness’s in the world, should be honored, and that is why Billy Yarber, the three legged Chihuahua and companion to James Yarber, is the 2023 MVMA Hero Pet of the Year.

The MVMA created the Animal Hall of Fame and Hero Award to celebrate the enduring link between animals and people. James and his dog Billy received this Hero award on February 10 at the Downtown Minneapolis Hilton.

Camden Pet staff nominated Billy for the “Hero” award. This three-legged dog, Billy, has inspired his owner James to make good decisions every day, to take care of Billy and himself.

Billy deserves this award because he provides James with not only the critical companionship that James needs but also provides James with a reason every day to get up and do the right thing. This means he knows he needs to stay away from alcohol, drugs and other self-destructive behaviors because it is so important to him to make sure that Billy is not only safe but happy and healthy. Billy’s companionship and love for James and vice versa has encouraged him to be able to look past and address his own struggles with addiction and mental health so that he can ‘show up’ for Billy. James puts aside money for Billy’s care first and then budgets the rest.

Camden Pet staff believes (and James states) that Billy has saved his life from continued struggles through the love, companionship and purity that Billy provides for James.