Story Orchard brings free books to Camden

Befor Story Orchard got their storefront they used their bikemobile to give away book.s

 Written by Debbie Nelson

The Camden Community is lucky to be the home of the Webber Park Library and many Little Free Libraries, but now we are very fortunate to welcome the Story Orchard to Camden.

  Located near the corner of 39th and Thomas, the Story Orchard is a free bookstore and the brainchild of Northside resident Lesley De Paz. Lesley has taught elementary age children for over 18 years. She has a master’s degree from the University of Minnesota with a focus on elementary literacy and her passion is bringing the power of reading to others. When she changed school districts and classrooms a few years ago she walked into a room whose collection of books was in need of updating and additions. She began the hunt for books for her classroom and soon filled not only the classroom but her basement. Thus began the journey to what has become the Story Orchard.

  In an effort to get the books out of her basement and into the hands of the community, Lesley began with a bike mobile (pictured). In 2017 she loaded up a bicycle, custom built for her by Onyx Cycles, and began “pedaling” free books throughout the community. She appeared at community celebrations, school events, block parties and anywhere in the neighborhoods where she could share the love and fun of reading.

In 2021 Lesley decided she could reach more people and give away more books by adding a brick and mortar store at Dowling and Queen. It took a while for people to realize that the store was there and what it had to offer. She spent some time drawing passerby’s into the store and was rewarded with the many relationships she developed with those who did come in. One of those was a man who stopped in to tell her that he just got custody of his children and had just bought a bookcase. He wanted to know how many books he could get and she gave him enough to fill his bookcase!

  In 2017 the Story Orchard became a 501(c) 3 and this allowed them to conduct fundraisers. In the fall of 2023 the space at 39th and Thomas became available and with the support of many donors they were able to raise enough funds to pay the rent, utilities and insurance for a year. They plan to conduct a fundraiser each year in order to continue to provide the joy of books to the community into the future.  They will accept any donations of either money or books and are also looking for monthly sponsors, both business and individuals. Monthly sponsors will be featured on the website  

   Right now the Story Orchard is open only one day a week, Wednesday, from 2-6 p.m. Going forward they hope to apply for grants to hire someone so that they could expand their hours. In the meantime I would encourage you to find a Wednesday that you can visit the magic space that is the Story Orchard.