
Upcoming Events:

FNA Community Night- Tuesday March 5, 6:30 p.m. at 3701 Fremont Ave

We will have guests from the City of Minneapolis, beginning outreach for the Northside Greenway. This project is a green space for biking, walking and recreation which will run through the Folwell Neighborhood on Humboldt and Irving.

Welcome, new board members!

At our last meeting, we were delighted to add Jedding and John to our team during a special election. 

Save the Dates in 2024

Spring Clean Sweep- May 4 and 5

Neighborhood day and Tool Swap- May 11

Pickleball- Mondays in August

National Night Out- August 6

Ice Cream Social/Resource Fair- August 21

Annual Meeting and Board Elections- October 1

Fall Clean Sweep- October 5 and 6