Are you looking to spruce up your yard this spring for a low price?

Enter the City Tree Lottery by March 31 for a chance to get up to two $30 trees! The Minneapolis Health Department is partnering with Tree Trust to offer 1,000 low-cost shade and evergreen trees to help build the city’s tree canopy. The trees range from 3 feet to 8 feet, depending on the type of tree.

How the lottery works: All Minneapolis property owners can enter the lottery at If selected, you’ll get an email in April with information on how to order your tree(s). Trees must be picked up on either May 18 or 19.

The City is especially encouraging residents who live or own property in Green Zones to enter. Together we can build healthier communities by increasing our tree canopy.

Benefits of Trees: Trees offer a number of environmental, economic and social-emotional benefits. Trees can help: Shade and cool your house or apartment; lower utility bills; increase property values; clean the air; collect stormwater; provide a habitat for wildlife; and improve health and well-being.

Caring for your tree: Never planted a tree before? Don’t worry. They’ll provide you with all the information you need to plant and care for your new tree.

Learn more about the City Trees Program at Minneapolis Health Department ( and Tree Trust ( websites. If you have questions, you can visit the websites or email them for more info. Make sure to include ‘Mpls Lottery’ in the subject line.