The vibe inside HEAL Mpls stands in stark contrast to the cold world outside. Full of luscious plants, music that simultaneously calms and comforts, inspirational quotes and signs, art on the walls, and rich bold fabric, it is a place of retreat in our own backyard. I got to sip on my pineapple tea and settle in to work.
HEAL which stands for Herbs. Eat. All. Love started as a pop-up event after the murder of George Floyd to bring community together and feed them. It’s what we need right? Time together around a meal that nourishes us, body and soul. Art that reflects truth back to us. Music that moves us toward light and dancing. It is all the ways that we long to be together, and HEAL provides that on the Northside.
On the corner of Lyndale and 42nd Ave N, you will find the lights on till 8 p.m. offering a warm comforting call to come in. To be rejuvenated. HEAL offers plant-based meals and drinks that are intended to, you guessed it, heal us from the inside out. With a southern Caribbean inspired menu, HEAL cooks alongside the seasons. They use what is available and build around it, in order to keep the costs down.
Sierra Carter, the creator of HEAL Mpls, is an inspiration in the way she leads with love and calls herself a spiritual entrepreneur. She leans heavy on her intuition and healing journey to lay the foundation of her businesses. And yes it’s businesses…plural. HEAL Mpls is her spiritual center and business incubator. She also owns/runs Zen Bin on Penn and Broadway.
Seirra uses HEAL to support and promote other small/new businesses. When you go in, you will find Natural Apothecary, Juicy Box, Holistic Baee, Venus Beauty and Munchy Crunchy. All of these businesses are plant based and healing forward. A beautiful way to support multiple businesses with one stop.
Inside this cozy community corner, there is evidence everywhere of community being the foundation of who they are, and the heart behind their purpose. They host numerous community events including cooking classes, healing circles and herbal education. Beyond hosting their own events, they love having their space open for folks to come in and use the space to gather. You will even find the doors open and the lights on after bar closing time most Saturdays to give folks a place to sober up and come in from out the cold.
Before I left, I participated in the group question at the register, “What dream do you have for your world?” A beautiful participatory activity to engage, inspire and reflect. Dozens of answers lay scattered around the paper. Beautiful dreams for the kind of world I want to live in, and the kind of world HEAL is actively striving to create.
If you don’t want to miss out on all the happenings, you can follow HEAL Mpls on Instagram and Facebook (@healmpls). Or go check them out on their website, healmpls.com. You definitely don’t want to sleep on this Northside treasure.